I have had a few topics in mind for this week,s blog and apologies that it is later in the week than usual. I could use this blog to talk about coronavirus as it’s on everybody’s minds whether at home, at school, at work or in the supermarket buying toilet roll!!! However, autism act has…

Autism and exclusions

  Exclusions can have a devastating affect on not just the child, but the family and staff too.   During my teaching and SENCO years, I was lucky to work for a headteacher who avoided exclusions at all costs and we always focused on what else we could do, what help we get, what changes to…

A month in business

January 2020 is nearly over and this means so is the first month running my own business.   While many of you may have your minds on Brexit today, as always my mind is on autism! I have had plenty of time along the way to reflect on what I am doing and this has allowed…